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World second popular game of Cricket

The sport of cricket has a known history beginning in the late 16th century. Having originated in south-east England, it became the country's national sport in the 18th century and has developed globally in the 19th and 20th centuries. International matches have been played since 1844 and Test cricket began, retrospectively recognized, in 1877. Cricket is the world's second most popular spectator sport after association football. Governance is byt the International Cricket Council (ICC) which has over one hundred members although only ten play Test cricket. In the game of cricket, the cricket pitch consists of the central strip of the cricket field between the wickets – 1 chainor 20.12 m (22 yards) long and 3.05 m (10 feet) wide. ricket, the cricket pitch consists of the central strip of the cricket field between the wickets – 1 chainor 20.12 m (22 yards) long and 3.05 m (10 feet) wide. The surface is flat and normally covered with extremely short grass though this grass is soon removed by wear at the ends of the field pitch. READ MORE


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